Recently while playing on twitter, someone asked a question that got us thinking (we know, rare occurrence), and rather than just shoot from the assumptive hip, we went about looking for an actual factual answer. Taking some time to talk to a couple local winemakers the answer became clear as mud (technical term).
The question is 'how does a consumer know how much residual sugar is in the wine they are drinking?' Well the simple answer is, read the label.
Righty o there smart arses you say. So what is residual sugar and how is it measured?
First off, residual sugar concentration is expressed in grams per liter (g/L) or as a percentage of weight to volume. For example, a wine with 0.2% residual sugar contains two grams of sugar in a liter of win (bottle is 3/4 liter or 750ml). Dry wines are typically in the 0.2–0.3 percent range, off-dry wines in the 1.0–5.0 percent range, and sweet dessert wines in the 5.0–15 percent range. (got to love the metric system) Sounds simple right? Well as a measurement it is, but where things get murky is in determining actual real world percentage.
Next up there is the term Brix. This is a term that is used for expressing sugar content in grape juice but generally not wine and the first tool often used to measure sugar is a refractometer. A drop of juice is placed on a quartz surface at one end of the instrument, and you look through the sight glass on the other end. The sugar in the juice will cause light to bend at a certain angle, depending on the quantity. The refractometer measures this angle and contains a scale corresponding the the quantity of dissolved sugar in the mixture. Simple, and often used to help determine when grapes are to be picked but not for measuring sugar in wine. Now how are we going to measure residual sugar in fermenting wine in a commercial setting. One of two methods seems to be primarily used. For a reading that is plus or minus a percentage or two there is the hydrometer.

Lastly it seems that the solution the the accuracy issue is to use a spectrophotometer. The spectrometer, enzymatic analysis of residual sugar is one of the best and most accurate ways to determine the quantity of sugar left in your wine and the method used by most if not all accredited labs.
Last but certainly not least is the fact that printing labels a scheduling bottling takes time and often the labels are ordered prior to a good final accurate test (assuming one is done) is done so an 'accurate approximation' is put on the label.
As it turns out this simple subject is not as simple as we first thought and as we discovered the answers are pretty much all answered with the precursor, 'it depends but generally speaking this is sometimes the general rule of thumb sometimes' kinds of non specific answers. So truth in labeling now comes into play. Struth this was supposed to be a simple answer to a simple question. Maybe the following will help!
Here are some specific rules from the ATF Ruling 78-4 for your reading pleasure and some followup to it from the Code of Federal Regulations.
Here are some specific rules from the ATF Ruling 78-4 for your reading pleasure and some followup to it from the Code of Federal Regulations.
After a few hours of chatting, and a few more to research and check some facts and terms, we have come to the conclusion of 'if we like it, who cares!' as all this stuff is giving us a brain ache! We are off to get a glass or three to clear our heads!
Happy Wine Adventures,
Kiwi & Koala
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